Learn how OutPerform RMS helps grow hotel revenue
OutPerform RMS and Price OptimizerEasy to use
We make understanding lots of information really simple.Why we created OutPerform RMS?
Because brilliant revenue management takes up so much time and is a very manual process – fragmented data from PMS, rate shoppers, channel managers and revenue optimizers, offline/online, sometimes past or current, not often future – this picture is incomplete, disconnected and not aggregated.
This is why we created OutPerform RMS. Ideal way for the hotels and resorts to optimize their revenue.
The Dashboard
New Dashboard & Timeline FeaturesFuture days
Intuitive Dashboard, with exactly what you need.Guest Rating and Ecommerce
Market Informer
Individual Rate Shopper, with different views.Some of the
Rate Shopper Features
- Dynamic Length of Stay (multiple LoS)
- Room Restrictions
- Rate Restrictions
- Rate Evolution
- Displays all the available rates, not just the BAR
- Exportable
- Rates per room type
Timeline View
Columns can be collapsed to focus on certain KPI, with a click of a button.
Different levels of granularity to support a better and quicker decision process: DoW, Daily, Weekly and Monthly.
- Quick Update for Channel Manager
- Customizable grand totals and views
- Last Year Data
- LY Data considering the booking window
- Exportable
- Day Inspector (check the evolution and the trends for each particular day)
- Reco Inspector (analyze why the system recommended you a certain selling rate)
Pickup report
Features- Customize your reports the way you prefer
- Available per market segment, channel or room type
- Go to Event shortcut
- PACE analyzer
- PACE compared with LY Data, considering the Day of Week
- Can analyze RoomNights, ADR, RevPAR and Revenue
The benefits for Hotels using
OutPerform RMS
- Streamlined workflow without data collection stress
- Instantly understanding what is happening without having to spend time on research
- Optimize their rates based on facts and not assumptions
- Manage decisions from anywhere
- Distribution cost savings
PMS data collect
Rate Shopper
Events Shopper
Market Demand
Channel Value Index
Two main matrixes:
- The hotel’s review score
- The lowest published rate
Subscriber hotel is always plotted in the centre, thus dividing the chart in four quadrants, representing: