revenue training

HSDS Agile Core Revenue Management training in partnership with Revenue by Design On January 2019, Ally Northfield, Director of Revenue by Design, delivered a fantastic training on Revenue Management basics for our support and development team in Cluj Napoca, Romania. HSDS or Hospitality Software Development Services is a “Boutique” nearshore Software Development Company, very focused and extraordinarily good in Hotel Distribution & […]

Revenue Management takes over Latin America

Trust, belief and perseverance … leads to success … no short cuts! Ignacio Peña Ayerza’s family had been running their own Hotel in Buenos Aires since 1996, and it did not take long for Ignacio and his brother, Agustin, to discover that all things related to „Revenue Management & Distribution” were time consuming and complicated. Also, […]

competitive advantage

A.I. powered price optimisation in hotel revenue management is a route to competitive advantage Ever since students studied Michael Porter competitive advantage as a pathway to organisational success, academia, students and most importantly businesses have attempted to understand his theory and put it into practice. We look at the challenges that hospitality managers face on […]

Making the most of guest ‘touch points’ – 9 Top Tips to increase Hotel Revenue!   The aim of any hotel revenue management team is to increase hotel revenue and of course there are various ways you can achieve this. Part 1 of this series explored increasing hotel revenue using pricing. Part 2 is all […]

hotel selling add-ons

If you are a hotel manager or in charge of sales at a hotel, you may be in a position where despite having several add-ons available to your guests, no one appears to be buying them. Having years of experience with the hospitality business and worked with numerous different hotels over the past few years, […]

increase hotel revenue

Managing Pricing Better –Top 10 Tips! You are not alone if your hotel does not have a full time revenue manager.  Many hotel managers are responsible for revenue management but struggle to find the time to commit to this role as they have so many other responsibilities as well.  Here are some helpful tips to help […]